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Do's and Dont's

As you settle into our community, it will help you to know a few important things:

  • Do put the trash out in the approved bins on Tuesday & Friday (unless we had a weather event that delays service).
  • Do contact City staff if you have questions about services (817) 636-2464.
  • Do sign up for our Facebook pages - City of Rhome and Rhome Police Department for another communication source.
  • Do keep your dog/cat/pet in a secured fence area or on a leash when walking in the City.
  • Do spay or neuter your pets - it's required by City ordinance.
  • Do keep your yard growth under 12" tall - it makes for good neighbors and helps the City look #beautiful!
  • Do follow the City Ordinances if you live in the city limits - they can be found here.

  • Don't drill a private well.
  • Don't set off fireworks within the city limits.
  • Don't openly burn trash/wood/paper in the backyard or in a fire ring. Open burning is not allowed.
  • Don't keep poisonous reptiles or exotic pets in the city limits (we and your neighbors thank you).
  • Don't share your music or TV sounds with everyone on your street - loud noise that restricts their ability to enjoy their property is not allowed.

These are a few friendly reminders to explain portions of the Code of Ordinances.  You may access the Animal Ordinances here and the MuniCode link is shown above.

While our Do's and Dont's give you a broad overview, our list isn't meant to be all inclusive. please take a moment to look through those if you have additional questions.